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Welcome and sorry about the confusion with foreign language here! This is me trying to start a bilingual blog which is something completely new to me and I haven’t figured out how exactly I want to do this yet.
However I am trying to make it at least slightly readable to you as well because I want to open myself to the world a bit.
I’d call it a beta version, it needs testing and your response. This blog is still mainly led in czech language and a lot of its content is meant for a specific group of czech people, like the most used category right now, Slovo šedé eminence k AK which relates to a czech blogging community where I’m trying to help bloggers to get more proffesional look and better impression of their weblogs to get more serious traffic, based on my own experience and knowledge collected throughout years of following the coolest bloggers from abroad like Corbet Barr, Pat Flynn, Everett Bogue, Joshua Becker, Nina Yau and many many others.
What’s here for you, is this brand new English please…? category. For now it doesn’t have any specific theme, it’s just something to start with, to get to know me and what I’m about, to see if you even want to waste time reading my stuff.
But it’s not supposed to be just about me, I need to know your side, too, I need your help. Please, let me know if this system works for you. Did you find the English category easily or did you get too confused by the foreign language? Do I need a bigger and brighter banner or an insanely huge british flag to catch your eyes or is that police box banner enough to point you in the right direction? Would you prefer the name of the blog and the signs being in English (or both languages) or can you live with the fact that its main orientation is czech so far and that you only get that one category (at least for now)? Have you seen any cool bilingual blogs from which I could take few tips on how to do this? I’d love it if you shared them with me.
Let me know how you feel about this, I’m a begginer to it and would love to learn. In the meantime, read something more about this blog and me under this post, or – if you are not already in the EN category – click that english icon in the menu to get more english written posts.